Our House System

Within Framingham Earl High School we have a House system that links to student voice, rewards and competitions.

Each child is allocated a House and their form group are fellow members of the House within their year group.  Our Houses were named by the students to reflect key traits of FEHS students; the Houses are:

  • Winterton
  • Cromer
  • Holkham
  • Overstrand
  • Sea Palling
  • Brancaster

Each form group in Y7 to 9 has a representative who shares issues and ideas from the group to SAFE - our whole school student council.  Students have the opportunity to take on this leadership role and meet with the Year 10 and Year 11 Headteacher’s Council who bring matters to Mrs Arnold on a regular basis. 

The House system gives our students the opportunity to be rewarded for efforts and achievement in all areas.  Students regularly earn House Points for a range of reasons including; excellent classwork, volunteering, contributing to school life and making good progress in their subject. Parents and carers can track their child’s House Points on MCAS and students have weekly update in tutor time. A prize is awarded each week for the leading children in each year group. House totals are on the House noticeboard which are located downstairs in our Main Block.  Each term we award the House Cup to the House with the highest number of House points.

One of the aims of the House system is to encourage all students to be involved in the many inter-House competitions within subjects and extra-curricular activities. This blend of competitions ensures that everyone has the opportunity to represent their House and help boost the House total. Students (and staff!) quickly form an allegiance to their House and a sense of fun and friendly competition pervades all the House events.


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