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Community Meetings
At Fram we are constantly seeking to work with our local community to listen to views on current issues and to engage in community projects.
During 2021/22 the school really enjoyed speaking to local councillors and developers about the new recreation area in Poringland – sharing views on the types of facilities young people would use and enjoy. In addition a group of students worked with the council and the A2Better scheme to increase active travel and achieve our Bronze Travel Plan award. Our students engaged positively with religious leaders in assemblies and festivities and during our KS4 Knowledge building days which help to deliver our RPE curriculum. Students were part of celebrations for the Queen’s Jubilee not just in school but with a community project making tables for the community picnic. Throughout the year our ‘Green Influencers’ have also been engaged in work with the UEA on pollution monitoring. Students also welcomed visitors from Norfolk LGBTQ organisation and a range of local speakers in assemblies including the Police, local Nurses and Rotarians.
As COVID restrictions reduced we wanted to further these links into 2022/23, particularly as our Local Governance arrangements changed to be a Parent Focus Group. I wanted to hear views of those people who live in the village but are not parent/carers, understand events that we can be part of and continue to work together on community issues.
This year we have organised a termly informal meeting at Fram, inviting particular local representatives to meet, share, discuss and plan.
I am delighted these meetings are happening and very thankful to all those who attend. I have shared with you below the notes of these meetings as they take place. If you are interested in attending or becoming more involved with the school please do be in touch.
Mrs Arnold, Headteacher
Framingham Earl HighSchool Community Meeting Notes December 2024
Framingham Earl High School Community Meeting Notes May
Community Meeting Notes January 2024
Community Meeting Notes May 2023
Community Meeting Notes October 2022Community Meeting Notes February 2023