Careers Guidance

Our motto is “Anything’s possible!” and high aspiration and insights into future careers clearly feed into that vision. 

Our aim at Framingham Earl High School is to offer all our students from Year 7 to Year 11 high quality, impartial career guidance that will help them to make informed a choices that are well suited to their individual needs and aspirations. 

Careers Protocol 2024

Meet the Careers Team 


Ms Gray 

Ms Gray is our Independent Careers Advisor with more than 18 years’ experience in the field. Ms Gray offers impartial Career Guidance to students across the school. Ms Gray also works as part of the team to arrange Career Guidance events and manages and coordinates the Y10 Work Experience Programme. Ms Gray works at Framingham Earl High School on a part time basis and has her base in The Den.

Please contact the office on 01508 492 547


Mrs R Arnold

Mrs Arnold is the Headteacher and Careers Leader

Contact 01508 492 547


Mrs L Chapman-Richardson

Mrs Chapman-Richardson is Director of Learning for Key Stage 4 and works with students and form tutors to support students with their Post 16 choices.


Curriculum Map

All students have access to our Independent Careers advisor, Ms Gray. Ms Gray offers 1:1 appointment to students on request and can support with the Post 16 application process, discuss possible career and study routes for students who are unsure of their next steps and much more. 

Framingham Earl High School Careers Programme 2024

Careers Roadmap 2425 

YR 9 Options Career Planning 2024

Yr 9 Options - Career Planning

Open Evenings – Post-16 Establishment

Information for Students

As a student at Fram you can expect Careers Guidance from Year 7 to Year 11. 

Information for Parents

Over the course of both Key stage 3 and Key Stage 4 students cover a range of Career Guidance activities both inside and outside lessons. Both the PSHE and Citizenship Programmes of Learning give students regular careers related learning opportunities, whilst Career Guidance is woven into the schemes of learning for other subjects. You can see what access to career Guidance has, by year, by clicking on the link below. 

Information for Employers

We are always eager to provide opportunities for our students to engage with employers, employees, businesses, and entrepreneurs. Should you be able to we would love to see you in school, either at one of our Career Guidance events,  such as Speed Networking, Career talks, assemblies, student mentoring or through the offer of a work experience placement. Whether you can offer 20 minutes a year or an hour a week, your offers of support are vital to give our young people relevant and up to date information from the world of work. 

If you are interested in discussing a link between your organisation and Framingham Earl High School, please get in touch.

How do we measure and assess our careers programme? 

Compass Plus evaluation Nov 2024

We use our destination data as a measure of the success of the school’s Career Guidance Success 

We also assess our careers programme regularly against Gatsby Bench Marks, this is the quality standard of Career Guidance. The Gatsby benchmarks are laid out below.


1: Stable Career Programme:  

Embedded programme of career education and guidance understood by all.Evaluated regularly with feedback from pupils. Put on school website, have the backing of the senior management team. 


 2: Learning from Careers and LMI: 

By the age of 14 all pupils should have accessed and used information about career paths and the labour market to inform their own decision on study options. 


 3: Addressing the needs of each student: 

Individually tailored to the needs of all students. Embed quality and diversity. 


 4: Linking curriculum learning to careers:

All teachers should link curriculum learning with careers. Stem subject teachers should highlight the relevance of stem subjects for future career paths.


 5: Encounters with employers and employees:  

Every student should have multiple opportunities to learn from employers about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace Every year from the age of 11, pupils should participate in at least one meaningful encounter with an employer.


 6: Experiences of workplaces: 

Every student should have first- hand experiences through visits, shadowing and work experience. By the age of 16, every pupil should have had at least one experience in addition to any part-time job they may have. By the age of 18, every pupil should have one further such experience additional to any part-time job.


 7: Encounters with Further and Higher Education:

All students should understand the full range of learning opportunities that are available to them. By the age of 16, every pupil should have had a meaningful* encounter with providers of the full range of learning opportunities and meet both staff and pupils. By the age of 18, all pupils who are considering applying for university should have had at least two visits to meet staff and pupils.(*what it is like to learn in that environment)


 8: Personal Guidance:

Every student should have opportunities for guidance interviews with a Careers Advisor (can be internal school staff) every pupil should have an interview by the age of 16 and a further interview by the age of 18.


Useful links

Labour Market Information NORFOLK

Virtual Work Experiences

Sixth-Form college open evenings 2024

Parents Advice for Career Conversations - Talking Futures

Occupational Maps: Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education

Personal Statement Help Sheet 

Do you know your sectors? (booklet)

Careers Pathways Option 1

Careers Pathways Option 2 

Parent Guide

What do we need? Post-16-decisions

Useful External Links and Key Websites

Post 16 PathwaysPost-16-trifold

Careermag - information for Parents and Carers

Help you choose 

Supported Internships

Protocol on Provider Access 

Provider Access Policy Statement FEHS


Progression Report

Activity breakdown careers website

Activity Breakdown












Full Time Education







Full Time Training














Employment with Training







Working towards Participation







Temporary Break







Employment without Training







Not Settled (not active)







Not Settled (active)















Activity Survey Reports 

Activity Survey Report 2023

Activity Survey Report FEHS 2022

Activity Survey Report Framingham Earl High School 2021

Activity Survey Report Framingham Earl High School 2020

Archive and Newsletters & Information

Careers Newsletter Autumn Term December 2023On Track 2023Norfolk Work and Skills Booklet 2022Careers Newsletter Autumn Term September 2023


Page Downloads Date  
Framingham Earl High School Careers Programme 2023 13th Feb 2024 Download
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